

mom 公司尾牙,中間會穿插小朋友的表演餘興節目


去年emma 表演鋼琴組曲彈奏


今年表演英文說故事 內容如下(開頭&結語) 由emma 自己想詞 我幫忙打成稿子

原本是要照書唸,想不到emma 昨天在奶奶家聽CD 聽著 聽著故事給背起來了




希望尾牙不要緊張, 好好表現唷 


Ladies and Gentleman

Good evening


My name is Emma.


Today I Will read story is


What Do I Want To Be?

What Do I Want To Be?


What job do I want? What do I want to be?

Do I want to be an astronaut?

Astronauts fly in rocket ships.

Up, up, up to the moon where they sit and look at you and me.



How about being a movie star?

Movie stars move here and there, always chased by screaming fans.

Hmmm!!  Maybe that’s not for me.


Being a fisherman could be fun.

On a boat, on the blue, blue sea.

Just the bright sun, fish, a few friends and I.

What if the wind begins to blow and the rain begins to fall?

No, no, no. That’s not for me.

I know, the crack of the bat and the shouts of the crowd,


I can be a baseball player.

Oh!!! I never could hit, throw or catch that little ball.


I really don’t know what to be.


Mother Says “Just wait and see”


Thank you.


Wish everyone have a Happy Chinese New Year.



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